Pool Cleaning Tips Of Beginners
Pool Cleaning Tips Of Beginners

Pool Cleaning Tips Of Beginners

Cleaning your pool is essential for hygiene. If you have a pool in your home, it is important to make sure that you keep it clean. Cleaning your pool does not have to be expensive, and it does not have to cost a lot of money.

Weekly cleaning is advisable for home pools because a lot of people do not use them. When you stick to a weekly cleaning routine, and you the right pentair pool pump you do not have to hire someone to clean the pool. Here are some cleaning tips to keep in mind:

Test your Water Weekly

pool cleaningOne of the ways to keep your pool clean is to test the water regularly. It is advisable to test the water ph at least twice a week. Doing this will enable you to keep your water in the right ph through chemical balance.

Monitoring the water ph can help you to deal with infections of the skin. When you have a good water testing kit, it is easy to keep your water ph stable. The mistake that many home pool owners make is going for weeks without testing the water ph.

Shock Your Pool Regularly

Shocking your pool regularly is very important. It is advisable to keep shocking your pool so that you can keep the water aerated. Airing your pool water three times a week is always a good idea.

If your pool water tends to be cloudy, shocking the water will make it clear. Many pool owners neglect their pools during winter. It is advisable to shock your pool water during the winter season to aerate the water.

Use Tennis Balls

You have probably seen tennis balls floating in most pools. These tennis balls play a huge role in keeping the pool clean. The floating tennis balls on the pool act to absorb oils from the water.

After swimming, sunscreen and oils are left floating on the water. It is advisable to get rid of these oils, and the only way to go about it is by using tennis balls. You do not have to use any special chemicals to get rid of oils.


Change the Filters

Changing or cleaning the filters of your pool is very important. It is advisable to clean your filters after a few weeks so that you can keep the water is clean. If your filters are dirty, your pool water will also be dirty. Clean filters will help in cleaning your water.